Honey Show
Training Council
Our Services
We are here to help! We offer a wide variety of honey show related services. We are available to help with everything from answering the occasional random question to providing turn-key service on the largest, world-class honey show! We can consult and help plan your event. We can provide technical, administrative, and marketing support. We can develop and put on a wide array of training classes. And of course, we can provide Certified Honey Judges and other trained individuals to staff your event. For more information on any of our services, please reach out to any of our officers or other Senior Honey Judges listed here!
Costs & Fees
The staffing needs for every event are different. Please contact us as early as possible to discuss your plans, needs, and goals for your event. We can work with you to develop a program or event that will fit your needs and fall within your budget. Even so, below are some general guidelines that will give you some idea of what you might expect when we do discuss costs and fees.
We don't do this for the money. Everyone who judges honey shows, or works at honey shows, does it because they love doing it. Most of our honey judges don't charge for their time, but some do, and that is a wholly justifiable position to take. To become an AHSTC certified Honey Judge takes months (often years) of work, many days and nights of travel, and hundreds of hours of time. The AHSTC Honey Judge Certification is hard-earned, and the skills gained through this certification have value. For the small percentage of our Honey Judges that do charge for their services, their fees are typically in the $150-$300 per day range. For the vast majority who are willing to give your event their time, we leave the issue of their individual compensation to your conscience and generosity.
Beyond an individual's compensation for their time, we do ask certain minimum level of financial support be provided to our personnel regardless of whether they charge for their time. For any event where we send AHSTC staff to your site, we require the host/sponsoring organization provide the following for each AHSTC staff member working the event:
Lodging, as appropriate considering distance and travel logistics;
Mileage to and from the event at $.57/mile;
Complementary admission to the underlying event; and
Lunch, provided on-site during each day of the underlying event.